Clivia Register Help


  1. Ensure you have read the information required, have prepared the required information, and have resized from 1 – 4 suitable photographs. Please note that a registrant must be a financial member of the Clivia Society or an affiliated club.
  2. Fill out the form located at and submit,
  3. You will receive a confirmation email with a private link that will enable you to access your submission to edit data or add more photographs.
  4. The registrar will review your submission and contact you if more information is required, or notify you when your submission has been approved.


If you have lost your private link, or have not received one, follow these steps:

  1. Find your registration ID. You will find this located in the Clivia Register. Search for your cultivar and then view the details. The registration ID is at the top of the page under Registrant Contact.
  2. Go to the following page and enter the registration ID and submit.
  3. An email will be sent to the registered email address with a private link. The private link enables you to access your entry and edit the data or add or replace photographs.


REGISTRANT INFORMATION (All fields are mandatory)

Registrant: The Registrant is the person submitting the application and the person who owns the cultivar being submitted for registration. A registrant must be a financial member of the Clivia Society or an affiliated club.

Address: This is the postal address of the Registrant. The public do not see this information.

City: This is the postal city of the Registrant. The public do not see this information.

State: This is the postal state of the Registrant. The public do not see this information.

Postcode: This is the postal postcode or zip of the Registrant. The public do not see this information.

Country: This is the country of the Registrant. This field is seen by the public.

Phone: This is a contact phone number for the Registrant. Please include the country code. The public do not see this information.

Email: This is a mandatory field and is the email contact of the Registrant. The public do not see this information.

CULTIVAR INFORMATION (Mandatory fields are marked with *)

Proposed cultivar name*: This is the name you wish to register for the cultivar. Please note that duplicate names are not permitted.

Species*: Choose the species of the cultivar from the drop-down list. If unknown, please choose unknown.

Habitat locality: If the plant results from growing in the wild, please state the locality and the country. Leave blank if not applicable.

Breeder: The breeder is the person who owned the berry parent and pollinated the plant to result in the cross. If unknown, please state unknown.

Berry parent: Enter the name of the berry parent if known. If unknown, please state unknown.

Pollen parent: Enter the pollen parent if known. If unknown, please state unknown.

Description*: Please include any known history of the cultivar, awards the plant has won, dates and shows, plus any publications the cultivar has appeared in (Yearbook, Clivia News, Facebook etc). Also include why you wish to register this cultivar and if the proposed cultivar name has a particular meaning. (Please note that the registrar may reword this description)

Photo*: There are 4 fields for uploading photographs of the cultivar. The photo must be either jpg, jpeg, gif or png. The file must be no larger than 2MB and ideally be resized to 800 x 600px. (Please note that one photograph of the full umbel is required and one photo of a single flower. The other 2 photographs are optional.)

Photographer*: There are 4 fields for photographer. Each photo field corresponds with a matching photographer field. The photographer is the person who photographed the cultivar.

EXTRA ATTRIBUTES (Mandatory fields are marked with *)

More information on extra attributes can be found on the Clivia Society Judging page.

Colour*: This is the overall colour of the flower. If possible, please use the Colour Chart colour as well. For example, ‘Peach S68’ )

Flower shape: Select a flower shape from the drop-down list.

Tepal front colour and pattern: State if the cultivar has more than one colour on the front of the tepals.

Tepal back colour and pattern: State if the cultivar has more than one colour on the back of the tepals.

Tepal width: Enter the width of the tepals in mm.

Tepal count: If the flower has more than 6 tepals, state the percentage of flowers that have more than 6 tepals.

Umbel shape: Select an umbel shape from the drop-down list.

Umbel diameter: Enter the diameter of the umbel in cm.

Flower number: Flower number relates to the number of flowers in an umbel.

Leaf width: Enter the width of the leaves in cm.

Leaf length: Enter the length of the leaves in cm.

Leaf texture: Select the leaf texture from the drop-down list.

Leaf colour: Select the leaf colour from the drop-down list. The list includes green leaves and a variety of variegated leaves.

Captcha*: The last field is to check that you are human and not an Internet robot. Type the answer to a simple calculation.