Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 105
Registrant: Victor Murillo
Country: United States of America
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: 'Blushing Lady'
Species: Clivia miniata
Breeder: Victor Murillo
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar: A unique colour form selected by Victor Murillo out of the trademarked VICTORIAN PEACH line. The plant produces peach flowers with a darker colour edge to the tepals. It produces a ed outefan shaped growth of very broad foliage. It was named because of the well defined marking of each flower conjuring up the image of a blushing lady.
Photographer: Victor Murillo
Photographer: Victor Murillo
Extra Attributes
Colour: Peach
Flower shape:
Tepal front colour and pattern:
Tepal back colour and pattern:
Tepal width:
Tepal count:
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Umbel diameter:
Flower number:
Leaf width:
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Administrative Info
Reference 2008