Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 167
Registrant: Philip Theron
Country: South Africa
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: 'Cheeky Yellow'
Species: Clivia nobilis
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar. A rare yellow form of the species C. nobilis selected from a small localised population in Ciskei region. Plant 830mm high leaves 40mm wide and 800mm long. The flowers are a yellow (YG2 to YG1 on Cape Colour Chart) that age to a pinkish (D1 Cape Colour Chart) tinge. Further information about seedling flower colour will be added when available.
Photographer: Philip Theron
Photographer: Philip Theron
Extra Attributes
Colour: select
Flower shape:
Tepal front colour and pattern:
Tepal back colour and pattern:
Tepal width:
Tepal count:
Umbel shape:
Umbel diameter:
Flower number:
Leaf width:
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Administrative Info
Reference pt/ra/2006