Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 578
Registrant: Jeanne Marten
Country: Australia
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Ken Smith
Species: Clivia miniata
Breeder: Jeanne Marten
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar. A selection bred and grown by Jeanne Marten in Toowoomba, using ‘Aurea’ as the berry parent pollinated with ‘Vico Yellow’. It is named after the International Registrar for the genus Clivia. Plant spread is 80cm x 75cm high. Leaf length is approx. 800mm x a width of 75mm. The yellow flowers have a darker cream throat and recurved tepals, each bloom is 9cm diameter and held in a compact, spherical umbel on a peduncle 65cm high. The yellow colour is between Yellow (YG3) and Deep Yellow (YG4) on the Cape Clivia Colour Chart 2003.
Photographer: Jeanne Marten
Extra Attributes
Colour: Yellow
Flower shape:
Tepal front colour and pattern:
Tepal back colour and pattern:
Tepal width:
Tepal count:
Umbel shape:
Umbel diameter:
Flower number:
Leaf width: 7.5cm
Leaf length: 80cm
Leaf texture:
Leaf colour:
Administrative Info
Reference 2007