Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 711
Registrant: Cobus Roos
Country: South Africa
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Muggie
Species: Clivia miniata
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar. A C. miniata from unknown parentage, with petite growth and narrow leaves, named by Cobus Roos. The spider-type flowers are open faced and 7cm dia. The flower colour has many hues and lies between Light Apricot D7, Apricot D6 and Salmon D5. It opens the Light Apricot and matures to include a mix of colours including Light Pink D1 and Pink D2. (CapeColour Chart 2003). The throat is creamy white with yellow striping.The name is Afrikaans meaning “gnat”or “midget” and is a familiar nickname.
Photographer: Cobus Roos
Extra Attributes
Colour: Pastel
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Administrative Info
Reference cr/ra/2004