Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 800
Registrant: Clivia Society
Country: South Africa
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Pat's Gold
Species: Clivia miniata
Breeder: Kirstenbosch
Record: For reference (Checklist)
Description: A deep yellow made famous and named by Pat Gore
Seedlings from the ‘Natal Yellow’ onto ‘Butter Yellow’ cross, now confidently known to flower yellow, were made available to the public at the Kirstenbosch fund-raising plant sales held in March each year. Pat Gore, a well-known Pretoria member of the Northern Clivia Club, came down to Cape Town for one of these sales. When his plant bloomed back in Pretoria later that year Pat’s purchase turned out to have a large umbel of over 20 magnificent, rich, butter-coloured flowers. We know his plant today as ‘Pats Gold’. Sean Chubb considers the cultivar ‘Pat’s Gold’ to be the best of all the Group 2 yellows he has come across.
Photographer: Sean Chubb
Extra Attributes
Colour: Yellow
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Administrative Info
Reference rle/2000