Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1074
Registrant: Clivia Society
Country: United States of America
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: VICTORIAN PEACH [trademark]
Species: Clivia miniata
Breeder: Victor Murillo
Record: For reference (Checklist)
Description: This is a Trademarked Clivia, bred by Victor Murillo and introduced by Sunlet Nursery, Calf, in 2001. A collection of plants producing light, medium and dark peach flowered plants. Broad petals. It is included in this listing of cultivars for information only as the name cannot be used as a cultivar name.
Photographer: Arnol Rios
Photographer: Mike Riska
Extra Attributes
Colour: Peach
Flower shape:
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Administrative Info
Reference 2002