Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1180
Registrant: Gerhard Faber
Country: South Africa
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Jadestone Angel
Species: Clivia mirabilis
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar: This is a beautiful yellow flower form of Clivia mirabilis from the Klein Kobee, Vanrhynsdorp area in South Africa. It is named by Gerhard Faber as all the flowers resemble angels with their flaring skirts and glowing halos. Compact plant with rigid, upright leaves between 50-60cm long X 4.5-5cm wide. Leaves have the white median stripe as well as a white edging. The basal colour is a combination of green and carmine intermixed. The top of the peduncle and the pedicels are ivory white. Pedicels colour to light green where they join the light green-yellow ovaries. The unique shaped flowers are light green and ivory and flared at the mouth which is uncommon in this species. This flower colour lasts for two weeks then changes to a bright butter-yellow until the flowers drop. During the end of flowering the ovaries and pedicels get a most desirable light caramel mottled effect. See the article in Clivia Society Yearbook 11, pages 45-47, 53-54.
Photographer: Gerhard Faber
Photographer: Gerhard Faber
Photographer: Gerhard Faber
Photographer: Gerhard Faber
Extra Attributes
Colour: Yellow
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Administrative Info
Reference 2011