Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1223
Registrant: Aart van Voorst
Country: The Netherlands
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: '4Tissimo'
Species: Interspecific
Breeder: Aart van Voorst
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: This first known tetraploid interspecific Clivia is a cross between a diploid C. caulescens motherplant-SCP01 and a tetraploid C. miniata-94001-09. The plant is a tetraploid (2n= 4c= 74,26 pg) so the motherplant must have produced an unreduced gamete (egg cell). ‘4Tissimo’ is fertile on both male and female side. Can produce seeds with a normal diploid clivia. Flowersize 5.7cm long and 3.3cm width. Colour is between OR5 and OR6 depending on light levels. The 4 refers to the tetraploid nature and fortissimo means loud, like the DNA level.
Photographer: Aart van Voorst
Photographer: Aart van Voorst
Photographer: Aart van Voorst
Photographer: Aart van Voorst
Extra Attributes
Colour: Orange
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Administrative Info
Reference 2013