Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1328
Registrant: Carrie Kruger
Country: South Africa
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: 'Utopia Secret Rose'
Breeder: Carrie Kruger
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: Registered Cultivar: ‘Utopia Secret Rose’ opens as a lovely round cream flower that matures into an apricot pastel. It is a neat, tidy plant and it seems that the umbel keeps on improving every year. It has viable pollen and sets seeds well. It flowers from July to August (Southern Hemisphere ). This plant was awarded Best Pink in class at the GRCC Interspecific Show in 2014. The berry parent is [Clivia miniata Coromandal orange X Clivia miniata Group 1 yellow] crossed with the pollen parent [ Clivia gardenii X Clivia miniata Group 1 yellow]. The breeding of this “Secret Desire” series is outlined in CliviaNews, Vol 25, No 1, page 22 and back cover published Dec 2016-Jan 2017. The plants in this series are said to be all smaller plants with broader leaves compared to the older varieties of interspecifics. This plant was named because it reminded the breeder of dainty roses. It is the closest to a true pink that the breeder has seen in Clivia.
Photographer: Carrie Kruger
Extra Attributes
Colour: Pastel
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Administrative Info
Reference 2018