Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1502
Registrant: Clivia Society
Country: New Zealand
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Alick's Peach
Species: Clivia miniata
Breeder: Sean Chubb
Record: For reference (Checklist)
Description: This plant was acquired by Alick McLeman from a selection on exhibition at the KZN Clivia Show in the mid 1990’s and was the first of the ‘Chubb Peach’ material imported to New Zealand. It was originally selected for purity of colour and became known as ‘Alick’s Peach’ because it was a standout plant in his large peach clivia collection. It is suspected to be an F1 or F2 that was bred by Sean Chubb and Brian Tarr.
Photographer: Alick McLeman
Photographer: Alick McLeman
Extra Attributes
Colour: Peach
Flower shape:
Tepal front colour and pattern:
Tepal back colour and pattern:
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Administrative Info
Reference 2009