Clivia Register Detail
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Registrant Contact
Registration ID: 1529
Registrant: JingLin Liu
Country: China
Cultivar Information
Cultivar Name: Katyusha
Species: Interspecific
Breeder: JingLin Liu
Record: Registered Cultivar
Description: This cultivar first flowered in May 2017 and has been selected for its beautiful colour of cream and apricot splashes with a green throat, and the quality of the flower.
Katyusha is the name of a girl in a Russian song, longing for her military husband to return to her from the battlefield.
Photographer: JingLin Liu
Photographer: JingLin Liu
Photographer: JingLin Liu
Photographer: JingLin Liu
Extra Attributes
Colour: Multi-colour
Flower shape: Trumpet
Tepal front colour and pattern: Cream with apricot splashes and green throat
Tepal back colour and pattern: Cream, apricot and green striped
Tepal width: 15
Tepal count: 6
Umbel shape: Flat
Umbel diameter: 7cm
Flower number: 14
Leaf width: 4cm
Leaf length: 80cm
Leaf texture: Smooth
Leaf colour: Green
Administrative Info
Reference 2022/LF